Friday, August 26, 2005

Econ Mini Mart 1st Annual Fruit Competition

Econ Mini Mart is set to host the 1st Annual Fruit Competition next month. The competition has attracted a large number of applications from all parts of Singapore, mostly from housewives. Contestants stand to win up to $10,000 in cash and prizes.

Said an Econ Mini Mart spokesperson, “We hope to raise the overall awareness of Econ Mini Mart throughout the island. For a long time, Econ has been in NTUC Fairprice’s shadow. Hopefully, with the success of this competition, we hope to change that.”

The Straight Times managed to interview some of the contestants, including Madam Siti Plaza. She said, “I think this competition is a good idea lah. The economy is not very good, so I hope I can win something. It should be very easy lah. Everyday I buy fruits for my family. They all say very good one, very sweet and juicy.”

However, the contestants might be surprised by the requirements. Contestants will have to compete in 3 rounds. The 1st round is open to all and requires them to separate the regular oranges from the seedless ones, after which 20 will progress. The 2nd round requires them to pick the sweetest watermelon with the least number of seeds. The final 5 contestants will compete in 2 parts. They will first attempt to pick the best durian and then guesstimate the number of seeds.

Mat Love,
Straight Times

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