Friday, January 30, 2009


Yo Mat Riders,

Mat is now in the city of bradda-ali-love. It is quite a change from Bawston. One thing is the sports here cannot make it man...dunno how the Phillies can win the world series. Alamak, the worstest part about them winning the world series was that the whole city had a parade and Mat lives on that block; cannot kun until 3am and after the parade, super dirty max.

Apart from no street cleaning (Mat always pray for rainy day to wash the pee and dog poo from the streets and when it snows, it is hard to tell where the dog poo is, so Peeladelphia becomes a mine field), Peeladelphia is not bad. Public transport is quite fast and the city is grid system, so my Minah gets lost less often. Also, food is cheap but if you drop the food on the food, the 5 second rule does not apply here. Mat cannot take that chance.

Mat Love