Thursday, September 15, 2005

Interview with Mao - Banana Walnut Cake

Interview over MSN

mao says:
lemme enlighten u about the cake
mao says:
it was a collaborative effort
mao says:
not Mao alone
mao says:
cos Mao not power enough
mao says:
first needed pyrex dish, provided by 100+
mao says:
then bought the ingredients liao, realized shit no cake mixer
mao says:
so have to ask 100+ to use hand and whisk. damn tiring to whisk
mao says:
so Mao and 100+ take turns
mao says:
idina and hong yi felt left out. so they decided ok they mash bananas
mao says:
but they got too happy
mao says:
so mash too much
mao says:
mao says:
after that, idina and hong yi fell asleep
mao says:
so 100 + and Mao have to jaga the cake
mao says:
while watching US open
mao says:
damn stressful you know
mao says:
then bake finish liao, have to cool it.
mao says:
we got scared not enough time, cos must cool completely then can put frosting
mao says:
so Mao use the pyrex dish as heater cos her hands cold
mao says:
mao says:
sayang the cake
mao says:
then after that, hong yi and idina were alive again
mao says:
kept saying want to do the icing
mao says:
so they did a few letters
mao says:
then say very hard to squeeze
mao says:
mao says:
damn funny

Mat Love

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