Friday, September 02, 2005


Katrina has been hitting the southern states of US really hard man. Everywhere is flooded max. As Bush was so engrossed in stopping his number 1 threat, terrorists, he clearly forgot the 2nd, natural disasters.

I'm not trying to belittle this but think about it, Katrina happens everyday in Africa, i.e. the same number of people dying everyday. But nothing's happening to change that because of petty tribal wars and racism. Africa, the land that produces diamonds but they're freaking poor! WHY?!?! As usual, with every problem, i always see the dark and bright side of it. So i will leave you with a photo and a joke.

Q: Why do they give female names to natural disasters?

A: When they come on to you, they are all wet and wild. When
they leave, your house is gone, your car is gone, your money is
gone. . .

Mat Love

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