Thursday, November 30, 2006

Halal food

Yo Mat Riders,

It's been a month since Mat has bloggeded. So busy man. Now less than 3 weeks to final exam, can mampus.

Mat like to eat. Eating is Singaporean past time right. But Mat is muslim and there are some restrictions for good reason. Here is guideline

refer to:

Explicitly Forbidden Substances
A variety of substances are considered forbidden (haraam) as per various Quranic verses:

1. Pork, or any pig-based products
2. Blood
3. Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but God
4. Carrion
5. Any animal found dead
6. "Fanged beasts of prey"[13] as per the Sunnah, usually simplified to all Carnivorous animals with the exception of most fish and sea animals
7. And all intoxicants (specifically alcohol)

There is some disagreement among Muslims regarding sea food, especially predatory sea creatures. IFANCA (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America) states this regarding the opinion of Islamic scholars[14]:

1. All are in agreement that fish with scales are halal
2. Sunnis consider all fish to be Halal, while Shias consider some fish haraam[15].
3. Most agree that frogs are haraam due to the prohibition of killing it in hadith.
4. Some believe that fish found dead are haraam
5. Some believe that only those sea creatures resembling halal land creatures are halal

Mat's personal addition
1. Bittergourd - YUCKS!
2. Celery - better to chew water lah
3. Basil - see comment for lumber 1
4. Lobster - Is it really painless to be boiled alive?
5. Ginseng!!!

Mat Love

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