Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The 5 'M's of Mat Roker

Yo Mat Riders,

Mat is dedicated to promote the understanding of the Malays.

Mat Roker
A "Mat Roker" is a Mat who unabashedly shows his devotion to heavy metal rock music. The 5Ms of the Mat Roker are: Minah, Marlboro, Motosikal, Metal and Maintain Balan'. - talkingcock.com

Minah - Malay babe
Marlboro - Malboro
Motosikal - Motorcycle
Metal - Metal (Rock)
Maintain Balan' - Maintain Balance

Mat Love

Mat Love's no. 1 reader

Don't pray pray with this guy man. Faster than a calculator, resistant to boiling water and brighter than a tomato.

Mat Love

Monday, April 24, 2006

Ben & Jerry free cone day

Yo Mat Riders,

Tomorrow is Ben & Jerry free cone day! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those in Boston, there are 3 scoop shops in Boston and 1 in cambridge. So you can potentially get 4 cones. WOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHIOK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mat Love

NEC Concerto Competition

Yo Mat Riders,

Mat enjoys playing solos. Solos are fun but playing in front of people will make Mat super nervous max. Mat's legs will start shaking like got vibrator and then Mat's lip will get sticky like super glue.

Anyway, today at 2pm, Mat played in the school's concerto competition. Mat played the Arutunian Concerto. Actually, it was ok. At the end, Mat got super glue lips again but this time, Mat try to relax more so didn't end too badly.

Mat's recital is coming. If you are in the Boston area, you are welcome to come. It's free.

Mat Love

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Giant Crab

Yo Mat Riders,

Check this out man.

Mat Love